

Customer Testimonials

What People Are Saying...


B&B Cue Works did a great job installing a Kamikaze soft tip on my G-core shaft. Excellent customer service, as well as professionalism. Great knowledge of billiards equipment and customization. Looking forward to doing business with B&B Cue Works for years to come. Great job guys, keep it up!!
— Joseph Passanisi

Jerry and Brendan are fantastic! They replaced a tip on my secondary shaft that has been in storage for years. I was never able to shoot with it because the tip was like a rock. As a bonus they cleaned up the shaft which really needed attention. Now it’s all I’ve been shooting with. These guys are super knowledgeable and professional and if they don’t know something you need right off the bat they can definitely find out for you. I would highly recommend them to anyone for their pool cue needs.
— Crystal Niet

Definitely the best place to head for cue repairs and more. I had my cue rewrapped by B&B. They did a fantastic job, got my cue quickly back to me, and followed up to ensure everything was perfect. No better place to use and local to the Hudson Valley as well!
— Chris Carille

I’ve been around pool many years and I’ve had many tips installed on my cues. But Jerry from B&B Cue Works who I’ve known for many years and played pool with knows me and my game very well and was very insightful when I asked him what tip he would recommend for me. Jerry recommended the G2 medium tip for me. He not only did an excellent job installing the tip but also reconditioning my shaft and that was the tip I was using when I won the regionals to go to Vegas this year and that’s the tip I continue to use. I highly recommend B&B Cue Works for your tips and cue repair.
— John Kovacs

I’ve had tips put on, both, my shooting (Lucasi with Predator shaft) and breaking cues. They were able to recommend new tips that complemented my shooting style, and my game improved because of it. Highly recommend! Knowledgeable and easy to work with.
— Stefan Fraundorfer

Jerry and Brendan at B&B Cue Works are a great team. They are the only people I reach out to when I need something pool-related and they always come through. Their knowledge and service is exceptional. They are professional and all their work is flawless. I bought a cue from Jerry years ago and to this day, he maintains it. When I was in the market for a break cue, Jerry did the research and reached out to other professionals to help me pick out the right one. I couldn’t be happier with these guys and I highly recommend them to anyone.
— Samantha Wong